3 Wig Types You Need To Know About

Wigs are back in style like never before! First conceptualized in Ancient Egypt, wigs have come a long way from shielding the scalp from the sun to social status and finally to a statement piece of one’s self-expression. With major celebs like Beyonce openly embracing the culture of wearing wigs, the market created a need for a lace front wig type. Graduating from being just a prop in theater, wigs have entered every single sphere of our lives. With demand comes variation; the market is flooded with so many different types of wigs that it can get confusing for a beginner. For instance, lace-front wigs give an impression of natural hair. With the advent of techno-space and HD cameras, the need to create a look that resembles everything natural is higher than ever. Sloppy hairlines are a thing of the past. The current market demands a wig that gives the appearance of hair growing out of your scalp, just like your natural hairline. With a wide range of celebrities in popular culture ...